30 Aralık 2010 Perşembe

Enable "Rotate Cube" Effect

Ubuntu enables "Desktop Wall" by default. By holding Ctrl-Alt keys and pressing the left-arrow or right-arrow key each time, it slides through desktop workspaces horizontally for you to choose one to work on. Alternatively, you can change this to a "rotate cube" effect.

  1. Rotate CubeGo To System > Preferences > CompizConfig Settings Manager

  2. Select "Desktop" from the left panel.

  3. Tick "Rotate Cube".

  4. Select "Enable Desktop Cube" as this plugin is required by "Rotate Cube".

  5. Select "Disable Desktop Wall".

Immediately you can rotate your desktop workspaces in this way— holding down Ctrl-Alt keys, EITHER press the left-arrow or right-arrow key OR left-click the mouse and drag it to left or right.

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