The setup
In this setup we will have the following servers:
Poller server Master server
Hostname poller01 master
IP address
We now assume you have installed the OS and op5 Monitor on both servers.
Setting up the master
To setup your master server follow the steps bellow:
Step Instruction
1 Upload the master tar file to the master server and place it in
2 Login, as the root user, via ssh.
3 Unpack the tar file and cd to the created folder:
tar xfvz op5_distributed_master-<VERSION>.tar.gz
cd distributed_master-<VERSION>/
Start the setup with:
./setup poller01
5 Type y or Y and press Enter to continue with the installation.
6 You will be prompted to tell the script if you like it to inactivate all
active checks.
Y or y N or n
If you choose to let the script If you choose not to let the script
inactivate all active checks this inactivate you will have to do it
will not only affect the templates. your self after the setup is
Every host and service having finished.
enable_active_checks set will
have it set to 0.
1 - op5 Monitor distributed setup
The setup
Step Instruction
7 Choose whether to use PushLogs or not.
Setting up the poller - step one
To setup your poller server follow the instructions below:
Step Instruction
1 Upload the master tar file to the master server and place it in
2 Login, as the root user, via ssh.
3 Unpack the tar file and cd to the created folder:
tar xfvz op5_distributed_poller-<VERSION>.tar.gz
cd distributed_poller-<VERSION>/
Star the setup with:
./setup poller01
5 Type y or Y and press Enter to continue with the installation.
6 Choose whether to use PushLogs or not.
Y or y
N or n
If you choose to use PushLogs
If you choose not to let the script
make sure you have enabled it on activate PushLogs for you will
the master server.
need to add everything manually
later if you change your mind.
Continue with Setting up the poller - step two.
Setting up the poller - step two
This part will guide you through the post setup part of the poller setup.
Step Instruction
1 Copy the ssh key printed by the setup script to the following file on the
master server:
1 - op5 Monitor distributed setup
The setup
Step Instruction
2 Now su to the monitor user and make a test to login over ssh to the
master server with the following commands:
su - monitor
ssh -i /etc/rsync/mirror-rsync-key
As the monitor user execute a manual conf sync with the following
two commands:
su - monitor
Open up Configure in the monitor web GUI and remove the monitor
host object.
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